此為在2021/8/16星期一的Sprint Demo講稿。
這是我第一次做Sprint Demo,也就是一個Sprint結束後要跟全部團隊成員展演這次Sprint的成果。雖然有個Sprint頁面有紀錄成果細節,但為了讓整體看起來比較自然流暢,所以事先準備了這份講稿。畢竟我英文也沒好到哪去,有個講稿才不會卡住。準備講稿時是依照Sprint頁面的成果並對照ticket瞭解細節並把Sprint頁面的內容修得更精煉一些,全部花了我兩天時間。
In this Sprint
we have Capcity 29,
initial Planned Story points is 16,
in the end Total Story points is 32, in which 6 was carried over from Sprint 2, (which is about API migration and enhancement issues.)
final Accepted Story points is 26 which is 81%
Because one ticket is in review and the other has dependency.
For Accomplplishments we have
1. Workflow project implementation for user notification
2. and setup Apigee proxy for Workflow and notication API
3. We also migrate AWS pinpoint send email to notification service.
Regarding the dependencies .
Workflow proxy IAM authentication and Workflow project's CICD pipeline setup require Workflow Team's integration.
Go Best Practice coding rules requiring Team members to follow.
For Risks
Workflow projects is not suitable for co-working via Git.
(Because the project files are generated by Workflow Editor which is a graphical workflow editor.)
And the way to deploy Workflow's Share Resources such as HTTP client is through Workflow's GUI.
(There should be an alternative way to do the configuration.)
A new Workflow SDK now is created for dev environment.
however, It may has issues when using in other environments such as prod.
For what we released in this Sprint,
first is Workflow user notifcation process has deployed on dev.
second is Apigee proxy setup for Workflow and notification service.
third is documentation for Workflow authentication proxy
And last is notification get member info and send email message API on dev
=====Shout Out=====
And for shout out...,
Thanks Workflow Teams's updating Workflow SDK and supports.
Thanks John and Mary's code review to improve our code quality.
New member Matt is getting used to team's pace.
Appreciate Jeff's effort on Workflow project's tasks integration.
=====Issues not completed=====
We have two tickets not finished yet, because
first is in review, which is reduce get member info response data.
Second is workflow pipeline setup required Workflow Team's support.