

Golang 評估外部HTTP client套件

評估Go是否有好用的第三方HTTP client套件。

Go本身雖然有內建net/http package用來發收HTTP請求及回應,但使用上仍覺得不是那麼方便,所以搜尋是否有好用的第三方HTTP client。

Awesome Go查看有哪些可用的HTTP client packages。比較這些套件在github上的一些指數例如星星數、更新狀況等。結果是resty勝出。

套件 特色 星星數 貢獻人數 被使用數 最後提交日 Community Standards README文件 評估日期
h2non/gentleman Features 998 11 0 2021/2/19 普通 2023/2/20
hashicorp/go-cleanhttp Get a "clean" http.Client -- returns a client that does not share any state with other clients. 290 9 30.4k 2023/2/1 普通 普通 2023/2/20
bozd4g/go-http-client 52 1 23 2022/12/6 普通 普通 2023/2/20
hashicorp/go-retryablehttp HTTP client interface with automatic retries and exponential backoff 1.5k 34 15.7k 2022/1/18 2023/2/20
levigross/grequests Serialized JSON and XML response
Easy file uploads and downloads
Support HTTP verbs
1.9k 10 473 2022/12/22 普通 2023/2/20
gojek/heimdall Control failing requests
Request retry and retry strategy
Request timeout
2.4k 27 36 2021/5/21 普通 2023/2/20
sethgrid/pester Send out multiple requests and get the first back (only used for GET calls)
Retry on errors
616 10 399 2022/2/9 普通 普通 2023/2/20
imroc/req Simple use
Easy debugging
Easy API testing
Support retry
Easy file upload and download
Support middleware for request and response
3k 19 937 2023/2/20 普通 2023/2/20
monaco-io/request Inspired by Javascript-axios Python-request. No 3rd dependency 223 5 87 2021/12/28 普通 2023/2/20
carlmjohnson/requests fluent API 537 3 78 2023/2/1 普通 普通 2023/2/20
go-resty/resty Chainable methods
Multiple request body type
Response as byte array or string
Supports RFC7807
Backoff Retry Mechanism
7.3k 75 8.1k 2022/7/20 普通 2023/2/20
dghubble/sling 1.5k 17 2.2k 2022/12/8 普通 普通 2023/2/20

