

Go Developer Survey - January 2023

VS Code Go extension最近跳出的問券調查

The following apply to me: - I program at work in Go

I've used Go for: 13-24 months

What is your level of experience with Go? - Advanced: I can complete significant programming projects in Go without assistance

Which of the following best matches how you use Go? - I primarily use Go to develop services or applications for end users

I write the following in Go: - API/RPC services (returning non-HTML)

What, if any, frontend services are powered by the Go API/RPC services that you work on? - Web interfaces

When writing Go code, I develop on: - macOS

My preferred editor for Go code is: - VS Code

I primarily deploy Go software to: - Linux

What, if anything, is your biggest challenge when deploying Go code to your target system environment(s)? - No

During the past year, what costs has your team been most concerned about for your Go services? - The engineering costs of writing and maintaining our Go services

What do you think about the frequency of major Go releases (biannual Go 1.N releases)? - The frequency is just right

Overall, how satisfied or dissatisfied have you been using Go during the past year? - Somewhat satisfied

How likely are you to recommend Go to a friend or colleague? - 8

What is the biggest challenge you personally face using Go today? - Learn concurrent APIs and OOP design

Let’s say you have 10 GopherCoins to spend on improving the following aspects of working with the Go compiler and runtime. How would you distribute your coins? (In this hypothetical scenario, the more GopherCoins you spend, the more likely the aspect will be improved.)

  • Reduce build times - 5
  • Better performance debugging tools - 5

Regardless of the items you spent GopherCoins on, what should be the highest priority for the Go team this year? (This could be anything, not just the items listed) - Improve documentation detail

Roughly what percentage of time do you spend programming in each language? - Go 100%

In which area (if any) are you not using Go, but would most like to? - Libraries or frameworks

What prevents you from using Go for Libraries or frameworks ? (optional; be brief) - No chance use in work.

Do you currently maintain an open source Go module? - I don’t maintain any open-source Go modules

About how many people work at your organization? - 2 – 99 employees

In which location do you live? - Taiwan

Is there anything else you would like to share with us about Go? - No

