

Windows Batch if else 數值比較範例 compare numerical variable example

在Windows Batch檔(bat file)中使用if else語法比較數值變數(numerical variable)範例。

Batch if else的比較運算子(compare operators)如下(不分大小寫)

  • equ==:等於
  • neq:不等於
  • lss:小於
  • leq:小於等於
  • gtr:大於
  • geq:大於等於



@echo off

rem 設定變數a = 10。/A表示為數值
set /A a=10

rem 顯示變數a的值
echo %a%

rem 使用==判斷變數a的值是否等於10
if %a% == 10 (
    echo a is 10
) else (
    echo a is not 10

rem 使用not及==判斷變數a的值是否不等於10
if not %a% == 10 (
    echo a is not 10
) else (
    echoa is 10

rem 使用equ判斷變數a的值是否等於10
if %a% equ 10 (
    echo a is 10
) else (
    echo a is not 10

rem 使用neq判斷變數a的值是否不等於10
if %a% neq 10 (
    echo a is not 10
) else (
    echo a is 10

rem 使用gtr判斷變數a的值是否大於5
if %a% gtr 5 (
    echo a is greater than 5
) else (
    echo a is less then 5

rem 使用geq判斷變數a的值是否大於等於5
if %a% geq 5 (
    echo a is equal to or greater than 5
) else (
    echo a is less then 5

rem 使用lss判斷變數a的值是否小於5
if %a% lss 5 (
    echo a is less than 5
) else (
    echo a is greater then 5

rem 使用leq判斷變數a的值是否小於等於5
if %a% leq 5 (
    echo a is not equal to or less than 5
) else (
    echo a is greater then 5


a is 10
a is 10
a is 10
a is 10
a is greater than 5
a is equal to or greater than 5
a is greater then 5
a is greater then 5
Press any key to continue . . .


