

Customized Spring Boot banner logo

Yesterday I drew a ASCII style Spring Boot banner logo manually.

The text is "yeol!". I am going to use it on my side project.

     _ *  _              _        _ +
    / \\ / \\__   ____  / \\  +  / \\ \ \
===/  /=/  / _ \\/    \\  /=====/  //== -.-       
+  \  \/  / (_) |+ /\\ \ //  * /  // / /*
   _\-.  +  ___//  \// // .   /__//   
  / \/  /\  \/ //\____//_/ \\___   / //

You can also do this by using online ASCII generator to help you create a ASCII drawing text, past it to a newly created banner.txt, and put this file at your spring boot project's src/main/resources. After that when you start your spring boot application, you will see the default spring logo replaced by your custom logo.

