

Java MVC 商業邏輯(Business Logic)該放在哪?


我是在Struts2,Spring MVC那時候入行的,看到別人寫的Web程式都是經典的MVC三層架構,也就是Model-View-Controller。通常會以下幾包package:

  • com.abc.controller:負責接收前端傳來的請求,並委任Service處理業務邏輯,然後將結果返回前端。
  • com.abc.service:負責處理業務邏輯,將處理完的結果返回Controller或呼叫DAO存入資料庫。
  • com.abc.dao:負責和資料庫互動,由Service呼叫。
  • com.abc.model:單存反映某個業務模型狀態的POJO類,例如訂單(Order)。


直到今天我查到How accurate is “Business logic should be in a service, not in a model”?這篇,節錄重點如下:

In an MVP/MVC/MVVM/MV* architecture, services don't exist at all. Or if they do, the term is used to refer to any generic object that can be injected into a controller or view model. The business logic is in your model. If you want to create "service objects" to orchestrate complicated operations, that's seen as an implementation detail. A lot of people, sadly, implement MVC like this, but it's considered an anti-pattern (Anemic Domain Model) because the model itself does nothing, it's just a bunch of properties for the UI.

Some people mistakenly think that taking a 100-line controller method and shoving it all into a service somehow makes for a better architecture. It really doesn't; all it does is add another, probably unnecessary layer of indirection. Practically speaking, the controller is still doing the work, it's just doing so through a poorly named "helper" object. I highly recommend Jimmy Bogard's Wicked Domain Models presentation for a clear example of how to turn an anemic domain model into a useful one. It involves careful examination of the models you're exposing and which operations are actually valid in a business context.

For example, if your database contains Orders, and you have a column for Total Amount, your application probably shouldn't be allowed to actually change that field to an arbitrary value, because (a) it's history and (b) it's supposed to be determined by what's in the order as well as perhaps some other time-sensitive data/rules. Creating a service to manage Orders does not necessarily solve this problem, because user code can still grab the actual Order object and change the amount on it. Instead, the order itself should be responsible for ensuring that it can only be altered in safe and consistent ways.


public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {
    private OrderDao orderDao;
    public void addAmount(int orderId, int amount) {
        Order order = orderDao.getOrderbyId(orderId);
        int oldAmount = order.getAmount;
        int newAmount = oldAmount + amount;




public class OrderServiceImpl implements OrderService {
    private OrderDao orderDao;
    public void addAmount(int orderId, int amount) {
        Order order = orderDao.getOrderbyId(orderId);



public class Order {
    private int amount;

    public void addAmount(int amount) {
        this.amount += amount;

我思考的問題在於很多設計模式在業務邏輯引能撰寫在Controller-Service-Dao這種架構下變得難以發揮,某些時候如不將邏輯內聚在Model中,似乎很多Pattern無法使用,典型的類子就是四散多個Service中重複的if elseswitch case



不過把邏輯放在Model類前必須要思考這做法是否違反類別的單一職責原則Single Responsibility Principle (SRP)及單元測試程式是否容易撰寫等問題。


